Earlier in my career, I completed a Ph.D. (University of Toronto) and a Post-doctoral fellowship (SSHRC) in English Literature, specializing in Canadian, British, and Australian drama. Here are a few of the articles and conference papers I wrote on drama, theatre history, and related politics.
“Othello, Darwin, and the Evolution of Race in Ann-Marie MacDonald’s Work.” Canadian Literature 168 (Spring): 34-54. Later used as a resource in Can Lit Guides: Gender, Sexuality and Canadian Literature, https://canlit.ca/canlit-guides/guides/gender/goodnight-desdemona-good-morning-juliet-by-ann-mariemacdonald/ questions/
“À qui appartient Shakespeare? Les tiraillements au sujet du Hamlet, prince du Québec de Robert Gurik.” L’Annuaire théâtral Special Issue “Shakespeare au Québec.” 24 (automne): 69-84.
“Prospero Back Home In Milan: Bond’s Lear As Paradigm For Post-Imperial Britain.” Essays in Theatre 15.1 (November): 23-34.
“Put Up or Shut Up? White Liberal Guilt and the Problems of Writing Anti-colonial Narratives that Matter.” The Narrative Matters Conference, 7-10 May 2008, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON.
“Differing Daughters of Empire: E. Pauline Johnson and Elizabeth Louise Mair on the Riel Resistances.” North American Conference on British Studies, 4 November 2001, Toronto, ON. Panel: The Mutinous Eye: Nineteenth-Century Imperial Violence & Women Writers. Toronto, ON.
“Staging Nations: Pauline Johnson and Walter McRaye on Tour.” John Douglas Taylor Conference, ‘Race’ into the Twenty-First Century: Canadian Texts and Contexts, 17 November 2000, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON.
“Fighting Words: Pauline Johnson (Tekahionwake) on the Chautauqua Circuit.” Association for Canadian Theatre Research, Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities, 24-27 May 2000, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB.